Упражнение 102 Unit 2
ГДЗ Enjoy English 9 класс - ответы

102 Найдите английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний в тексте выше.


• герб дома Ланкастеров — the arms of the House of Lancaster
• война за престол между Ланкастерами и Йорками — the war for the throne between the Lancastrians and the Yorkists
• война Алой и Белой розы — the War of the Red and White Rose
• дикое растение — чертополох — a wild plant — a thistle
• скандинавы решили напасть на шотландскую деревню — the Scandinavians intended to attack a Scottish village
• скандинавы босиком прокрались в шотландскую деревню — the Scandinavians in their bare feet came quietly to the Scottish village
• шотландские воины — the Scottish warriors
• колючки чертополоха вонзались в босые ступни — the thorns of the thistle hurt their bare feet
• вопли пронзили тишину — howls of pain pierced the silence
• эмблема Уэльса — лук (или иногда нарцисс) — the Welsh emblem is the leek (or. on occasion, the flower, the daffodil)
• эмблема Ирландии — клевер — the Irish emblem is the shamrock
• Святая Троица (Бог Отец, Бог Сын и Святой Дух) — the Holy Trinity (God the Father, the Son of the God and the Holy Spirit)
102 Use the following questions in your group to talk about the emblem of the country you are researching.
• What is the emblem of the country?
• How does the design of the emblem reflect the history of the country?
• Do you agree that the emblem of a country reflects not only the history of the country but also the spirit of the nation through its symbols?
• Can we say that the National Emblem of our country signifies our history? Are all of its elements absolutely traditional?
• In which country is the State Emblem older?
• How do the emblems reflect the history of the countries?

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