Упражнение 2 Unit 3 Lesson 1011
ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 11 класс
Рабочая тетрадь - ответы

2 Перефразируйте подчеркнутые предложения? используя фразовый глагол to give.
1. Андрей раздарил все свои картины своим друзьям. – Андрей раздал все свои картины своим друзьям.
2. Доктор посоветовал пациенту прекратить курить. – Доктор посоветовал пациенты пробить курить
3. Джейн забыла о своем плане стать актрисой. – Джейн забросила свой план стать актрисой.
4. Штат компании Кока-кола распространяли образцы рядом со станцией метро. – Штат компании Кока-кола раздавал образцы возле станции метро.
5. Когда Мэри спорит с Питером, она никогда не признает, что она неправа. – Когда Мэри спорит с Питером, она никогда не уступает ему в том, что она неправа.
6. Келли была слишком занята в прошлом семестре, поэтому ей пришлось отменить свои занятия по этике. – Келли была слишком занята в прошлом семестре, поэтому ей пришлось бросить занятия по этике.


1 Andrew has presented all his pictures to his friends.— Andrew has given away all his pictures to his friend.
2 The doctor advised the patient to stop smoking.—The doctor advised the patient to give up smoking
3 Jane has forgotten about her plan to become an actress.— Jane has given away her plan to become an actress.
4 The staff of the Coca-Cola were distributing samples near the metro station.—The staff of the Coca-Cola were giving out samples near the metro station.
5 When Mary argues with Pete, she never admits that she is wrong.—When Mary argues with Pete, she never gives in that she is wrong.
6 Kelly was too busy last term, so she had to cancel her classes in Ethics.—Kelly was too busy Iast term, so she had to give up her classes in Ethics.
2 Rephrase the underlined expressions, using phrasal verb to give.
1. Andrew has presented all his pictures to his friends.— Andrew has given away all his pictures to his friend.
2. The doctor advised the patient to stop smoking.—The doctor advised the patient to give up smoking
3. Jane has forgotten about her plan to become an actress.— Jane has given away her plan to become an actress.
4. The staff of the Coca-Cola were distributing samples near the metro station.—The staff of the Coca-Cola were giving out samples near the metro station.
5. When Mary argues with Pete, she never admits that she is wrong.—When Mary argues with Pete, she never gives in that she is wrong.
6. Kelly was too busy last term, so she had to cancel her classes in Ethics.—Kelly was too busy last term, so she had to give up her classes in Ethics.

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