Упражнение 6 Unit 3 Lesson 1213
ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 11 класс
Рабочая тетрадь - ответы

6 Используйте верные аффиксы и переделайте слова в скобках, чтобы закончить предложения.
1. Это статья не очень понятная, поэтому с ней трудно работать.
2. Ваши советы всегда очень полезные. Мы последуем им.
3. Его членство в этом клубе было отменено после произошедшего.
4. Друзья сказали друг другу, что их дружба будет длиться вечно.
5. Для Келли были очень важны ее отношения с парнем.
6. Девочке подарили очень хороший подарок, и она была очень благодарна за это.
7. Эн выглядит очень задумчиво. Вероятно, она пытается решить какую-то проблему.
8. Человек должен быть очень внимательным, когда переходит улицу.
9. Тебе не следует бояться зубных врачей. В наши дни большинство их действий безболезненны.


1 This article is not very meaningful, so it is difficult to work with it.
2 Your advice is always very useful. We shall follow it.
3 His membership in this club has been cancelled after the accident.
4 The friends told each other that their friendship will last forever.
5 The relation with her boyfriend was very important for Kelly.
6 The girl was given a very nice present and she was very thankful for that.
7 Ann looks very thoughtful. She is probably trying to solve some problem.
8 One has to be very careful when crossing the street.
9 You shouldn't be afraid of dentists. Nowadays most of their manipulations are painful.
6 Use the right affixes and transform the words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. This article is not very meaningful, so it is difficult to work with it.
2. Your advice is always very useful. We shall follow it.
3. His membership in this club has been cancelled after the accident.
4. The friends told each other that their friendship will last forever.
5. The relation with her boyfriend was very important for Kelly.
6. The girl was given a very nice present and she was very thankful for that.
7. Ann looks very thoughtful. She is probably trying to solve some problem.
8. One has to be very careful when crossing the street.
9. You shouldn't be afraid of dentists. Nowadays most of their manipulations are painful.

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