Упражнение 3 Unit 1 Урок 3
ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 7 класс - ответы

3 Заполните пропуски. Спросите и ответьте на вопросы о Робе МакВизарде.
  1. Откуда он прибыл? - из Англии.
  2. Какой у него адрес? – Его адрес 18 дорога Кресцент, Танбридж Уэлс, Кент TN2 3GH: Англия
  3. Какой он? - Роб никогда не помогает маме и не приветствует соседей. Он всегда один и у него нет друзей.
  4. Какое у него хобби? - Ему нравится читать книги и играть в компьютерные игры.
  5. У него есть друзья? – Нет, у него их нет.
  6. Что он делал в прошлом году? – Он ездил в Эдинбург 1599 года.
  7. Кто помог ему? - Его братья и сестра. Еще Миша и агент Кьют.
  8. Что он собирается делать? – Он собирается на пикник с Мишей.


1. Where does he come from? — He comes from the UK.
2. What's his address? — His address is 19 Crescent Road. Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3GH: UK.
3. What is he like? — Rob never helps his mother and doesn't say "Hello" to his neighbours. He is always alone and doesn't have any friends.
4. What are his hobbies? — He likes reading books and playing computer games.
5. Does he have any friends? — No, he doesn't.
6. What did he do last year? — He went to Edinburgh in 1599.
7. Who helped him? — His brothers and sister. Misha and Agent Cute did.
8. What is he going to do? — He is going camping with Misha.
3 Fill in the gaps. Ask and answer questions about Rob MacWizard.
1. Where does he come from? — He comes from the UK.
2. What's his address? — His address is 19 Crescent Road. Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3GH: UK.
3. What is he like? — Rob never helps his mother and doesn't say "Hello" to his neighbours. He is always alone and doesn't have any friends.
4. What are his hobbies? — He Iikes reading books and playing computer games.
5. Does he have any friends? — No, he doesn't.
6. What did he do last year? — He went to Edinburgh in 1599.
7. Who helped him? — His brothers and sister. Misha and Agent Cute did.
8. What is he going to do? — He is going camping with Misha.

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