Упражнение 4 Unit 5 Урок 10
ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 9 класс - ответы

4 Сопоставьте людей, предметы, документы и события с их местами в американской истории.
- Колониальная жизнь 1600-1763
- Войны за независимость (Американская революция) 1763-1783
- Гражданская Война 1861-1877


Colonial life 1600s-l763
Strangers, Puritans, the first Thanksgiving, Plymouth, Squanto, Saints, help from the Indians, the Mayflower Compact, Cape Cod, WiIIiam Bradford, Massasoit.

The War of Independence (The American Revolution) 1763-1783
No taxation without representation, George Washington, the Declaration of Independence, the Boston Tea Party, British taxes, the first American Flag, the Constitution, Thomas Jefferson, the First Continental Congress, the Second Continental Congress

Civil War 1861-1877
General Lee, Gettysberg, the Union, the South, slaves, Confederacy, cotton fields, the North, Abraham Lincoln.
4 Match the people, objects, documents and events with their places in the American History.
-Colonial life I600s-1763
-The war of Independence (The American Revolution) 1763-1783
-Civil War 1861-1877

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