Упражнение 3 Unit 1 Урок 2
ГДЗ English Кузовлев 9 класс - ответы

3. В твоей культуре. Александр Пушкин - знаменитый поэт России.
Ответь на вопросы, чтобы рассказать твоему другу иностранцу об этом великом поэте и романисте. Используй Блок с фактами и твои знания.
Блок с фактами:
Александр Пушкин
Поэт, романист, писатель пьес
Родился 6 июня, 1799
Москва, Россия
Умер в феврале 10, 1837, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Образование Царский Лицей в Царском Селе
Первые опубликованные поэмы, 1814


• What is Alexander Pushkin famous for? (За что известен Александр Пушкин?)
He is famous for his Eugene Onegin. (Он известен за его "Евгения Онегина")
• When and where was Pushkin born? (Когда и где родился Пушкин?)
He was born on June 6, 1799, in Moscow, Russia. (Он родился 6 июня, 1799, в Москве, Россия)
• Where did he get his education? (Где он получил своё образование?)
In the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo. (В Царском Лицее в Царском Селе)
• When were his first poems published? (Когда были опубликованы его первые стихотворения?)
In 1814. (В 1814)
• What are his most famous works? (Каковы его самые знаменитые работы?)
The Fairy Tales, Eugene Onegin, The Captain’s Daughter. (Сказки, Евгений Онегин, Капитанская дочка)
• When and where were his novels set? (Когда и где происходили события в его первых романах?)
In Russia of the 19th of century. (В России 19 столетия)
• What did he describe in his novels? (Что он описывал в своих романах?)
People’s relations, love, nature, and Russia, Russian culture. (Отношения людей, любовь, природу, Россию, Российскую культуру)
• When did A. Pushkin died? (Когда умер Пушкин?)
On February 10, 1837. (10 февраля, 1837)
• What was he honoured by his contemporaries for? (За что он был почитаем современниками?)
He was honoured as a poem writer. (Его почитали как писателя стихотворений)
• Are his works still popular today? (Его работы до сих пор популярны?)
Yes, they are still popular at schools. (Да, они до сих пор популярны в школах)
3. In your culture. Alexander Pushkin is Russia's most famous poet.
Answer the questions to tell your foreign friends about this great poet and novelist. Use the Fact File and your knowledge.

Fact file:
Alexander Pushkin
Poet, novelist, playwright
Born June 6, 1799
Moscow, Russia
Died February 10, 1837 Saint Petersburg, Russia
Education The Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo
First publication Poems, 1814
• What is Alexander Pushkin famous for?
He is famous for his Eugene Onegin.
• When and where was Pushkin born?
He was born on June 6, 1799, in Moscow, Russia.
• Where did he get his education?
In the Imperial Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo.
• When were his first poems published?
In 1814.
• What are his most famous works?
The Fairy Tales, Eugene Onegin, The Captain’s Daughter.
• When and where were his novels set?
In Russia of the 19th of century.
• What did he describe in his novels?
People’s relations, love, nature, and Russia, Russian culture.
• When did A. Pushkin died?
On February 10, 1837.
• What was he honoured by his contemporaries for?
He was honoured as a poem writer.
• Are his works still popular today?
Yes, they are still popular at schools.

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