Упражнение 5 Unit 2 Секция 2
ГДЗ English Михеева 8 класс - ответы

Английский оригинал текста:
5 Learn some new words. Listen to the tape and repeat.
belong — принадлежать
land — 1) земля; 2) страна
apeech — речь
Sound — 1) n звук; 2) v звучать
slowly — медленно
also — тоже
way — 1) путь, дорога; 2) метод, способ
develop — развивать(ся)
grow — расти
by and by — постепенно
belong: to belong to someone, to belong to some place. These exercise-books don’t belong to me. This land belongs to а big family. Which swimming-club do you belong to?
land: 1) (countable) a beautiful land, foreign lands. I’d like to see а lot of lands and to meet а lot of people. 2) (uncountable) dry land, stony land. Columbus’s sailors didn’t see land for a long time.
speech: a good speech, a long speech, to make a speech. James made a very interesting speech in Parliament yesterday. His speech is very difficult to understand.
Hound (n): the sounds of music, strange sounds, beautiful sounds. Strange sounds were coming from the kitchen.
sound (o): to sound good, to sound English to sound like the truth. That sounds like a train. Your new song sounds beautiful. This sentence sounds like good English.
forget (forgot, forgotten): to forget a word, to forget a/the address, to forget slowly (easily). I’ve forgotten her telephone number. She’s forgotten where she has left her car. I’ll never forget my first teacher.
forget-me-not: Forget-me-nots are blue and pink, they are spring flowers.
slowly: to walk slowly, to speak slowly. He slowly opened his eyes. We drove slowly down the country road.
also: He speaks English and he also speaks German. I like bananas and I also like oranges.
way: a short way, a long way, an easy way, a funny way, the best way. 1) Which is the way to the city centre? Will you be able to find your way to my house? 2) What is the best way to learn a language? He has a strange way of talking.
develop: to develop into sb/sth, to develop from sth. A boy develops into a man. That little village has developed into a great city. I’d like to develop this idea. French developed from Latin.
grow (grew, grown): to grow well, to grow slowly. Grass grows after rain. Oranges grow on trees, you know. The farmer has grown a lot of apples this year.
grow up: When I grow up, I will be a librarian.
by and by: They will change by and by.

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