Упражнение 8 Unit 2 Секция 4
ГДЗ English Михеева 8 класс - ответы

Английский оригинал текста:
8 A. Read the text and say why it can be difficult for American and British people to understand each other.
Different Kinds of Engiish
(part II)
As you already know people speak different kinds of English. For example, we can hear different forms of English in different parts of the English-speaking world. Those people who live in India speak Indian English, in Canada — Canadian English, in Australia — Australian English. British English and American English are the most important kinds of the English language be-
cause people use them very widely. And they are not really that much different. If you meet people who come from the USA, you can say that their language sounds different from British English. You will be able to say that these people are not British. But you won’t probably have much difficulty in understanding what they say.
It is so because the vocabulary and grammar of the language is very much the same. But some things have different names in Britain and America. Compare these.

B. Listen to the tape and read the text again after it.

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