Упражнение 2 Unit 2 Секция 5
ГДЗ English Михеева 8 класс - ответы

Английский оригинал текста:
2 You have had a bad day. Your elder sister or brother is not happy about It. Make up a dialogue. Be ready to act it out in class.
Example: not to clean the floors/to forget
— Why haven't you cleaned the floors?
— Sorry, I forgot, etc.
1) not to eat the porridge/not to be hungry
2) not to finish your homework/my friend, ring up
3) not to clean your room/to be busy
4) not to ring the doctor up/to forget his telephone number
5) not to do the shopping/to leave the money athome
6) not to watch the new film/to miss it
7) not to learn the poem/to find it too difficult
8) not to win the race/not to be ready for it
9) not to make your chocolate cake/to have no butter at home

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