Упражнение 3 Unit 2 Секция 5
ГДЗ English Михеева 8 класс - ответы

Английский оригинал текста:
3 A. Complete the sentences. Use present perfect.

B. It's Martin's first visit to America. Say what he has done for the first time.
Example: He has never been to New York before.
It's the first time he has been to New York.
1) He has never done the Metropolitan Museum before.
2) He has never played baseball before.
3) He has never swum in the ocean before.
4) He has never seen skyscrapers before.
5) He has never eaten American food before.
6) He has never driven in a limo before.
7) He has never enjoyed a Broadway musical before.
8) He has never stayed in the Carlton Hotel before.
9) He has never listened to concerts in Carnegie Hall.
10) He has never travelled about the country so much.

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