Упражнение 8 Unit 2 Секция 5
ГДЗ English Михеева 8 класс - ответы

Английский оригинал текста:
8 A Read the dialogue and say how Masha, Boris and Sergey are going to use English in the future.
Interviewer: I know that you are all learning English. Do you find it difficult?
Masha: No, not really. I think language learning is fun. And I can learn it fast.
Sergey: I find it rather difficult. Especially grammar. My teacher says I make a lot of grammar mistakes. In fact I prefer reading.
Interviewer: And what about you, Boris?
Boris: I liked learning English at the beginning, but now it is getting more difficult and less fun. There are so many things to remember — words, grammar, spelling, pronunciation. English has such a rich vocabulary... And I don’t always understand my teacher.
Interviewer: I see. And what do
you do to learn English successfully?
Have you got any special rules that you follow?
Masha: I try to do my homework regularly. It helps me to practise English when there are no classes. I know that “practice means perfect”. I also watch films in English and listen to tapes.
Boris: I listen to English songs. Eminem is my favourite singer. English songs help me to understand English better. I have learned some of them and sing them with my friends.
Sergeу: I do a lot of exercises, watch American video films in English and read adapted books. That’s what I like most of all.
Interviewer: And may I ask you how you are planning to use English in the future?
Sergeу: I’d like to learn to speak English well because I want to visit many countries of the world and meet different people. I hope I'll be able to speak English to them.
Boris: I’d like to be a computer programmer and I'll need English for my future job. A lot of modern computer programmes are in English.
Masha: I don’t know how I am going to use my English yet. I just like learning it. Maybe I’ll learn another language — French, Spanish or Italian. Maybe I'll become a linguist. I can’t wait to grow up and go to university.

B. Listen to the tape read the dialogue in groups of four after it and then act the dialogue out.

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