Упражнение 15 Unit 2 рабочей тетради
ГДЗ English Михеева 8 класс - ответы

Английский оригинал текста:
15. Complete this text and speak about the English language.
Nowadays English is the language of the world, or in other words a global language. It is the national and state language of 1 Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, South 2 Africa, New Zealand, etc. Together with Wales, 3 Scotland and Northern Ireland, England forms the United 4 Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The national language of Wales is Welsh, in Scotland — Scottish. Still the 5 official language of all the four parts of the country is English.
The English population speaks Standard English. However, in America, Canada and other countries people have developed their own 6 variant of English. Today Standard English is a modern literary form of English which students learn and study at 7 schools and universities. It is also the language of the newspapers, radio and 8 television.

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