Упражнение 17 Unit 2 рабочей тетради
ГДЗ English Михеева 8 класс - ответы

Английский оригинал текста:
17. Match the titles (1—5) with the texts (a—e) . In pairs discuss the N problems in the texts.
1) Grammar or Grandma?
2) English: Past and Future
3) A Young English Learner
4) Push Your Career Forward
5) Variants of English

a) Truly, the language which people spoke back in the 1300 has developed much. Then only the low people spoke English. Now it has become a global language. As a language with many words from different languages English is a real linguistic cocktail. When it comes to new words, English readily receives them. Every year we can find new dictionaries of neologisms, the words that have just come into the language. For example, the past years have given a lot of computer words.
b) If you want a good job in business, technology or science start learning English now! Knowing English will let you get technical knowledge. English is the language of technology, especially high technology like computer science, genetics, and medicine. English will help you to become a world-class businessman (or business woman) . International business also depends on English.
c) Teacher (paying a visit) : “Are your father and mother in, Morton?”
Morton: “They was in, but they is out. ”
Teacher: “Why, Morton! They was They is out! Where’s your grammar?”
Morton: “She’s sleeping upstairs. ”
d) People speak mostly British English and American English all over the world. They are the most important kinds of the English language. There is some difference in their vocabularies. For example, in Britain they say flat instead of apartment, autumn instead of fall and film instead of movie. While their grammar does not differ much, American and British types of pronunciation are not the same.
e) I started to learn English when I was in primary school. Together with the other 10 boys and girls I had English classes two times a week. I learned some English words such as colours, numbers and days of the week. Our teacher gave us basic expressions like Good morning! and How are you? The most exciting time at the lesson was playing games, singing songs and reciting poems.

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