Упражнение 7 Юнит 3 Step 6
ГДЗ Rainbow English 11 класс - ответы

7. Прочитайте эти цифры. Используйте британский и американский английский, где это возможно.
1) a) 1437; b) 1249548; c) 6075; d) 8135; e) 199; f) 5 876 278;
2) a) 1708 (год); b) (495) 3919487 (телефонный номер); c) 0.25; d) 0.75; e) SU203 (номер рейса); f) 1/3; g) 3/4; h) 7 1/2.


a) one thousand four hundred (and) seven;
b) one million two hundred (and) forty-nine thousand five hundred (and) forty-eight;
c) six thousand (and) seventy-five;
d) eight thousand one hundred (and) thirty-five;
e) a/one hundred (and) ninety-nine;
f) five million eight hundred (and) seventy-six thousand two hundred (and) seventy eight;
a) seventeen of eight;
b) area code four nine five, three nine one, nine four, eight seven;
c) nought point two five;
d) zero point seven five;
e) SU two oh three;
f) a half;
g) three quarters;
h) seven and a half.
7 Read these numbers. Use British and American English where possible.
1) a) 1437; b) 1249548; c) 6075; d) 8135; e) 199; f) 5 876 278;
2) a) 1708 (the year) ; b) (495) 3919487 (a telephone number) ; c) 0.25; d) 0.75; e) SU203 (the number of a flight) ; f) 1/2; g) 3/4; h) 7 1/2.

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