Упражнение 9 Unit 6 Урок 67
ГДЗ Happy English Кауфман 8 класс - ответы

9 Заполните пропуски верными предлогами. Используйте активатор глаголов в помощь.
Однажды жила была красивая принцесса, которая никого не любила. Единственное, что ей нравилось – был красивый золотой шар. Многие короли с различных земель хотели жениться на ней, но она всех отвергала.
Однажды принцесса играла со своим золотым шаром рядом с рекой. Она уронила шар, и он исчез в воде. Принцесса начала плакать. Внезапно появилась лягушка.
«Дорогая принцесса», сказала она, «Я отдам тебе шар, если ты меня поцелуешь».
«Я отвергла всех прекраснейших королей, и я не собираюсь целовать лягушку», ответила принцесса и пошла прочь. «Тогда ты никогда больше не увидишь свой золотой шар» ответила лягушка. Принцесса остановилась. Ей очень сильно нравился шар. «Хорошо, отдай мне шар, и я тебя поцелую» сказала она. Лягушка прыгнула в воду и появилась с шаром во рту.
«Теперь ты должна сдержать свое обещание. Поцелуй меня и уходи. Пожалуйста, не поворачивайся назад».
Принцесса закрыла глаза и поцеловала лягушку. Когда она снова повернулась, лягушки больше не было. Оказалось, что лягушка была
прекрасным принцем. Плохая ведьма превратила его в лягушку, и только поцелуй принцессы мог его спасти.


Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess who didn't love anybody. The only thing that she liked was a beautiful golden ball. A lot of kings from different lands wanted to marry her, but she turned everybody down.
One day the princess was playing with her golden ball next to the river. She dropped the ball and it disappeared in the water. The princess started to cry. Suddenly a frog turned up.
"Dear princess," it said, "I will get your ball if you kiss me."
"I have turned all these handsome kings down I'm not going to kiss a frog," the princess answered and went away. "Then you will never see your ball again." the frog said. The princess stopped. She liked her ball so much. "OK, get me the ball and I'll kiss you." she said. The frog jumped into the water and turned up with the golden ball in its mouth.
"Now you must keep your promise. Kiss me and run away. Please don't turn back."
The princess closed her eyes and kissed the frog. When she turned back again, there was no frog anymore. It turned out that the frog was a handsome prince. A bad which had turned him into a frog and only a princess's kiss could save him.
9 Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions. Use the Verb activator for help.
Once upon a time there lived a beautiful princess who didn't love anybody. The only thing that she liked was a beautiful golden ball. A lot of kings from different lands wanted to marry her, but she turned everybody...
One day the princess was playing with her golden ball next to the river. She dropped the ball and it disappeared in the water. The princess started to cry. Suddenly a frog turned...
"Dear princess," it said, "I will get your ball if you kiss me."
"I have turned all these handsome kings... I'm not going to kiss a frog," the princess answered and went away. "Then you will never see your ball again," the frog said. The princess stopped. She liked her ball so much. "OK, get me the ball and I'll kiss you," she said. The frog jumped into the water and turned... with the golden ball in its mouth.
"Now you must keep your promise. Kiss me and run away. Please don't turn..."
The princess closed her eyes and kissed the frog. When she turned... again, there was no frog anymore. It turned... that the frog was a handsome prince. A bad witch had turned him... a frog and only a princess's kiss could save him.

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