Упражнение 4 Unit 6 Урок 7
ГДЗ English Кузовлев 10-11 класс - ответы

1) You are at the international camp. You are talking with your foreign friend about your favourite genres of films/plays.
Remember to:
• tell about your favourite genres of the films/plays;
• say why you like to watch such films/plays, what is special about them;
• name some of your favourite films/plays;
• say who your favourite actors/actresses are.
You have to talk for 2 minutes. The teacher will listen to you until you have finished. Then she/he will ask you some questions.

You and your friend are exchanging opinions about the film/play you've watched at the international camp.

Ask your friend's opinion about the film/play you've watched. You begin the conversation. Remember to:
• ask his/her opinion about the work of the actors/actresses, the director;
• ask his/her opinion about the setting;
• ask what his/her impressions of the film/play are.
Say what you think about the film/play.

You liked the film/play you've watched. Answer your partner's questions. Remember to:
• explain why you liked the film/play;
• give your opinion about the work of the actors/actresses;
• give your opinion about the setting.
Ask about your friend's impression of the film/play.

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