Упражнение 9 Unit 3 Секция 1
ГДЗ English Михеева 7 класс - ответы

9. Где они?
Например: Берри и Джейн Нилсон находятся на цокольном этаже. Они в комнате 9.


Jake Robinson is on the first floor. He is in Room sixteen.
Miss Skinner is on the second floor. She is in Room twenty eight.
Sharon Bell is on the third floor. She is in Room thirty three.
Charles Taylor is on the fourth floor. He is in Room Forty nine.
Rosie and Kate Swift are on the fifth floor. They are in Room fifty two.
Ruth Perry is on the sixth floor. She is in Room sixty four.
Freddy Rogers is on the seventh floor. He is in Room seventy one.
Ms.Cook is on the eighth floor. She is in Room eighty five.
Mr. and Mrs. Ball are on the ninth floor. They are in Room ninety three.
9. Where are they?
Example: Barry and Jane Nelson are on the ground floor. They are in Room Nine.

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