Упражнение 9 Unit 2 Секция 1
ГДЗ English Михеева 8 класс - ответы

Английский оригинал текста:
9 Look at the two dictionary entries and answer the questions.
a) library a room or building for books
librarian someone who works in a library. (Oxford Hasic English Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 1995.)
b) handy (clever with hands) умелый, мастеровой, рукастый (coll); he is - у него золотые руки. 2 (easy to handle) удобный для пользования. 3 (convenient) удобный, сподручный (coll); it may come in - это может пригодиться. (Oxford Russian Dictionary. Oxford University Press, 2000.)

1) Which of the two words comes from a monolingual (bilingual) dictionary?
2) Where can you find information about how to pronounce the words?
3) How do you know that one of the words is a noun and the other is an adjective?
4) Which of the words has one and which more than one meaning?
5) Which of the dictionaries gives word combinations?
6) Which of the dictionaries gives derivatives?
7) What does - stand for?

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