Упражнение 9 Grammar Check Модуль 6
ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс - ответы
9 Вы только что подали заявку на должность продавца в местном торговом центре. Вот вопросы, которые вам задали во время интервью.
1 Сколько вам лет?
2 Где вы ходите в школу?
3 Где вы живете?
4 Работали ли вы где-нибудь раньше?
5 Есть ли у вас какой-либо опыт работы в продажах?
6 Какие у вас есть интересы?
7 Можете ли вы работать во время отпуска?
8 Когда вы сможете начать?
9 Как вы будете приходить на работу? 10 Есть ли у вас какие-либо другие вопросы?
-У вашей подруги интервью в том же магазине завтра. Закончите сообщение по электронной почте, рассказывая ей, какие вопросы вам задавали.
Для: Мелинда Харт
От: Эшли Мур
Тема: Интервью
Привет, Мелисса,
Я только что вернулась с моего интервью, и я думаю, что оно прошло хорошо. Вот некоторые из вопросов, которые он у меня спрашивал, так что ты можешь подготовиться к завтрашнему дню.
Он спросил меня, сколько мне было лет. Он хотел знать, в какую школу я ходила и где я жила. Затем он спросил, работала ли я где-нибудь раньше, и был ли у меня какой-нибудь опыт в сфере продаж. Он также спросил, какие у меня интересы. Он хотел бы знать, могла бы я работать во время каникул и когда я смогу начать. Он спросил, как бы я приходила на работу и ему было интересно, есть ли у меня другие вопросы.
1 how old I was
2 I went
3 I lived
4 if I had worked anywhere
5 if I had any
6 I had
7 if I could work
8 when I was available
9 how I would be coming to work
10 if I had any other questions
9 You just applied for a position as a salesperson at the local mall. Here are the questions you were asked during the interview.
1 How old are you?
2 Where do you go to school?
3 Where do you live?
4 Have you worked anywhere before?
5 Do you have any experience in sales?
6 What interests do you have?
7 Can you work during the holidays?
8 When are you available to start?
9 How will you be coming to work? 10 Do you have any other questions?
-Your friend has an interview at the same store tomorrow. Complete the e-mail telling her what questions you were asked.
To: Melinda Hart
From: Ashley Moore
Subject: Interview
Hey Melissa,
I just got back from my interview and I think it went well. Here are some of the questions he asked me so you can prepare for tomorrow.
He asked me how old I was. He wanted to know which school I went at and where I lived. Then he asked if I had worked anywhere before and if I had any experience in sales. He also asked what interests I had. He wanted to know if I could work during the holidays and when I was available to start. He asked how I would be coming to work and wondered if I had any other questions.
1 How old are you?
2 Where do you go to school?
3 Where do you live?
4 Have you worked anywhere before?
5 Do you have any experience in sales?
6 What interests do you have?
7 Can you work during the holidays?
8 When are you available to start?
9 How will you be coming to work? 10 Do you have any other questions?
-Your friend has an interview at the same store tomorrow. Complete the e-mail telling her what questions you were asked.
To: Melinda Hart
From: Ashley Moore
Subject: Interview
Hey Melissa,
I just got back from my interview and I think it went well. Here are some of the questions he asked me so you can prepare for tomorrow.
He asked me how old I was. He wanted to know which school I went at and where I lived. Then he asked if I had worked anywhere before and if I had any experience in sales. He also asked what interests I had. He wanted to know if I could work during the holidays and when I was available to start. He asked how I would be coming to work and wondered if I had any other questions.
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⭐11 класс; Английский язык; Афанасьева, Дули; Spotlight
⭐11 класс; Английский язык; Афанасьева, Дули; Spotlight