Упражнение 1 Grammar Check Модуль 7
ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс - ответы
1 Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
Карим Абдул-Джабхар, неизменный чемпион по версии Национальной баскетбольной ассоциации, рассказывает о своем подростковом возрасте и достижениях.
«Я вырос в Нью-Йорке в 50-х годах с двумя родителями, которые заботились обо мне. Если бы они не поддерживали меня так сильно, я бы попал в беду. Но они научили меня дисциплине.
Моя мама подчеркивала, что школа была очень важной частью моей жизни. Если бы она не хотела так сильно, чтобы я хорошо справлялся, это сообщение не дошло бы до моего сердца.
Первый раз, когда я вышел на баскетбольную площадку, я вовсе не справился. Но я пытался. Если бы я не пытался с таким упорством, я бы никогда не докинул мяч до уровня обода. У меня начало хорошо получаться в 7-м и 8-м классах. Вот тогда я и понял, что баскетбол будет играть большую роль в моей жизни. Тем не менее, если мне хотелось стать хорошим баскетболистом, мне нужно было много работать. Я много работал. Это было сложно, но этот опыт помог мне во многом: если бы я не был там, я бы не стал тем, кем являюсь сейчас.»
1 had not supported
2 wouldn't have got
3 hadn't tried become
4 would have
5 would not have
1 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
Kareem Abdul-Jabhar, NBA all-time scoring champion, talks about his adolescence and achievements.
"I grew up in New York in the '50s with two parents who cared about me. If they had not supported me so much, I would have got into trouble. But they taught me about discipline.
My mom emphasized that school was a very important part of my life. If she hadn't wanted me so much to do well, I wouldn’t have got that message to the heart.
The first time I stepped in a basketball court I didn't do well at all. But I kept trying. If I had not tried so hard, I would have never got the ball up to the rim level. I started to get good at the 7th and 8th grades. That's when I realized that basketball was going to play a big role in my life. However, if I wanted to become a good basketball player, I would have to work hard. I worked hard. It was difficult but this experience helped me in many ways: had I not been there, I would not have become what I am now."
Kareem Abdul-Jabhar, NBA all-time scoring champion, talks about his adolescence and achievements.
"I grew up in New York in the '50s with two parents who cared about me. If they had not supported me so much, I would have got into trouble. But they taught me about discipline.
My mom emphasized that school was a very important part of my life. If she hadn't wanted me so much to do well, I wouldn’t have got that message to the heart.
The first time I stepped in a basketball court I didn't do well at all. But I kept trying. If I had not tried so hard, I would have never got the ball up to the rim level. I started to get good at the 7th and 8th grades. That's when I realized that basketball was going to play a big role in my life. However, if I wanted to become a good basketball player, I would have to work hard. I worked hard. It was difficult but this experience helped me in many ways: had I not been there, I would not have become what I am now."
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⭐11 класс; Английский язык; Афанасьева, Дули; Spotlight
⭐11 класс; Английский язык; Афанасьева, Дули; Spotlight