Упражнение 1b Модуль 3e
ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс - ответы
b В парах решите какие из следующих утверждений T (истина), а какие являются F (ложь) при написании эссе-мнения. Прочитайте теоретический блок и проверьте.
1 Решите, какое у вас мнение, прежде чем начать писать. Т
2 Напишите в формальном стиле. Т
3 Используйте настоящее время. Т
4 Включите личные примеры. Т
5 Заявите ваше мнение только в первом абзаце. F
6 Используйте различные связующие слова. T
7 Представьте тему во введении. T
8 При представлении новой точки зрения начинайте новый абзац. T
9 Никогда не включайте цитаты. F
10 Представьте противоположную точку зрения в первую очередь. T
11 Начинайте каждый пункт, как вам нравится. F
12 Вы не обязаны поддерживать каждую точку зрения с указанием причин или примеров. F
13 Заявите ваше мнение еще раз в заключении. T
Эссе-мнения требуют вашего четкого мнения по теме, мотивированного и с примерами. Они должны содержать: введение (с указанием темы и своего мнения), основную часть (несколько пунктов каждый с темой предложения представления отдельной точки зрения мотивированного / с примерами, в том числе пункт представляет и противоположные точки зрения) и вывод (пересчета вашего мнения другими словами).
Вопросы для рассмотрения:
• Решите, какое Ваше мнение, прежде чем начать писать, согласны ли вы / не согласны и как сильно, так как это повлияет на структуру вашего эссе.
• Используйте настоящее время и формальный стиль, избегая разговорных выражений, кратких форм и личных примеров.
• Включить фразы, чтобы высказать свое мнение, различные соответствующие связующие слова и интересные приемы, чтобы начать / закончить эссе, цитаты, вопросы риторические.
Полезные конструкции:
Чтобы выразить мнение: In my opinion/view, It seems to me that, The way I see it, To my mind, I (strongly/completely agree/disagree/believe that, I am totally against
Построение списка пунктов: First of all, In the first place, Firstly/Secondly, To start with, To begin with
Чтобы добавить больше пунктов: Also, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, Besides, Apart from this, Another major reason
Для введения контрастных точек зрения: On the other hand, However, It is argued that, Opponents of this view say
Для введения примеров: for example/instance, such as, in particular, especially
Вывод: To sum up, In conclusion, All in all, All things considered, Taking everything into account
b In pairs, decide which of the following statements are T (true) and which are F (false) when writing an opinion essay. Read the theory box and check.
I1I I Decide on your opinion before you start writing.
I2I IWrite in formal style.
I3I IUse present tenses.
I4I IInclude personal examples.
I5I IState your opinion in the first paragraph only.
I6I IUse a variety of linking words.
I7I I State the topic in the introduction.
I8I IWhen presenting a new viewpoint, begin a new paragraph.
I9I I Never include a quotation.
I10I IPresent the opposing viewpoint first.
I11I IBegin each paragraph however you like.
I12I IYou don't have to support every viewpoint with reasons or examples.
I13I IState your opinion again in the conclusion.
Opinion essays
Points to consider:
• Decide on your opinion before you start writing i.e. whether you agree/disagree and how strongly, as this will affect the structure of your essay.
• Use present tenses and formal style, avoiding colloquial expressions, short forms & personal examples.
• Include phrases to express your opinion, a variety of appropriate linking words and interesting techniques to begin/end your essay a quotation, a rhetorical question.
Useful Language:
To express opinion: In my opinion/view, It seems to me that, The way I see it, To my mind, I (strongly/completely) agree/disagree/believe that, I am totally against
To list points: First of all, In the first place, Firstly/Secondly, To start with, To begin with
To add more points: Also, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, Besides, Apart from this, Another major reason
To introduce contrasting viewpoints: On the other hand, However, It is argued that, Opponents of this view say
To introduce examples: for example/instance, such as, in particular, especially
To conclude: To sum up, In conclusion, All in all, All things considered, Taking everything into account
I1I I Decide on your opinion before you start writing.
I2I IWrite in formal style.
I3I IUse present tenses.
I4I IInclude personal examples.
I5I IState your opinion in the first paragraph only.
I6I IUse a variety of linking words.
I7I I State the topic in the introduction.
I8I IWhen presenting a new viewpoint, begin a new paragraph.
I9I I Never include a quotation.
I10I IPresent the opposing viewpoint first.
I11I IBegin each paragraph however you like.
I12I IYou don't have to support every viewpoint with reasons or examples.
I13I IState your opinion again in the conclusion.
Opinion essays
Points to consider:
• Decide on your opinion before you start writing i.e. whether you agree/disagree and how strongly, as this will affect the structure of your essay.
• Use present tenses and formal style, avoiding colloquial expressions, short forms & personal examples.
• Include phrases to express your opinion, a variety of appropriate linking words and interesting techniques to begin/end your essay a quotation, a rhetorical question.
Useful Language:
To express opinion: In my opinion/view, It seems to me that, The way I see it, To my mind, I (strongly/completely) agree/disagree/believe that, I am totally against
To list points: First of all, In the first place, Firstly/Secondly, To start with, To begin with
To add more points: Also, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, Besides, Apart from this, Another major reason
To introduce contrasting viewpoints: On the other hand, However, It is argued that, Opponents of this view say
To introduce examples: for example/instance, such as, in particular, especially
To conclude: To sum up, In conclusion, All in all, All things considered, Taking everything into account
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Смотреть другие ГДЗ из этого учебника:
⭐11 класс; Английский язык; Афанасьева, Дули; Spotlight
⭐11 класс; Английский язык; Афанасьева, Дули; Spotlight