Упражнение 5 Модуль 3e
ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс - ответы
5 Работа в парах. Предложите подходящие опорные предложения на тематические предложения ниже. Введите соответствующие связи слов / фраз.
1 Во-первых, помогать ухаживать за младшими братьями и сестрами развивает характер подростка.
2 Кроме того, законы имеют важное значение, потому что они защищают людей.
1 They will learn how to be responsible for another person. Furthermore, they will see what it is like to be a parent and understand the work that being a parent involves.
(Они учат как быть ответственным за другого человека. Кроме того, они понимают, что значит быть родителем и понимают, что включает в себя быть родителем)
2 We are all safer on the streets and at home because laws create a social order. Besides this, criminals are faced with a range of punishments according to the laws.
(Мы более в безопасности на улицах и дома, потому что закон образует общественный порядок. Кроме того, преступники сталкиваются с рядом наказаний соответственно закону)
5 Work in pairs. Suggest suitable supporting sentences for the topic sentences below. Include appropriate linking words/ phrases.
1 Firstly, helping to look after younger siblings develops a teenager's character.
2 In addition, laws are essential because they protect people.
First & last paragraph techniques First paragraph techniques:
Your first paragraph must attract and maintain your reader's interest. You can achieve this by:
• addressing the reader directly, Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if there were no laws?
• using a quotation/saying/direct speech As the saying goes, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'.
Last paragraph techniques:
As well as summarising and restating your opinion, a final paragraph may:
• give the reader something to consider, The world would be a much more dangerous place if there weren't any laws.
• end with a saying/quotation As Ann Sanders once said, "The hard way is the right way." Or a rhetorical question Aren't teenagers part of society, after all?
1 Firstly, helping to look after younger siblings develops a teenager's character.
2 In addition, laws are essential because they protect people.
First & last paragraph techniques First paragraph techniques:
Your first paragraph must attract and maintain your reader's interest. You can achieve this by:
• addressing the reader directly, Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if there were no laws?
• using a quotation/saying/direct speech As the saying goes, 'All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'.
Last paragraph techniques:
As well as summarising and restating your opinion, a final paragraph may:
• give the reader something to consider, The world would be a much more dangerous place if there weren't any laws.
• end with a saying/quotation As Ann Sanders once said, "The hard way is the right way." Or a rhetorical question Aren't teenagers part of society, after all?
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Смотреть другие ГДЗ из этого учебника:
⭐11 класс; Английский язык; Афанасьева, Дули; Spotlight
⭐11 класс; Английский язык; Афанасьева, Дули; Spotlight