Упражнение d Тесты Модуль 4
ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс - ответы

D Закончите второе предложение так, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое. Используйте слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Используйте от двух до пяти слов.
26 Some people think that snakes can predict earthquakes. (Некоторые люди думают, что змеи могут предсказывать землетрясения)
Snakes are through to be able to predict earthquakes. (Змеи, считается, могут предсказывать землетрясения)
27 Mason will insist that James discuss the details of the rescue mission. (Мэйсон будет настаивать на том, что Джеймс обсудил детали спасательной операции)
Mason will make James go into the details of the rescue mission. (Мейсон заставит Джеймса обсудить подробности спасательной операции)
28 George is expected to fully recover from his accident. (Джордж, как ожидается, полностью восстановится после несчастного случая)
It is expected George will make a full recovery from his accident. (Ожидается, что Джордж полностью восстановится после несчастного случая)
29 A nurse bandaged Helen’s wrist to give it support. (медсестра перебинтовала запястье Хелен, чтобы поддержать его)
Helen had her wrist bandaged by a nurse, to give it support. (Запястье Хелен было перебинтовано медсестрой, чтобы поддержать его)
30 Sally is trying to convince Sarah that she should stop mountain climbing. (Салли пытается убедить Сару, что она должна перестать заниматься альпинизмом)
Sally is trying to get Sarah to give up mountain climbing. (Салли пытается убедить Сару бросить альпинизм)
31 They believe that the climbers were caught in a snowstorm. (Они думают, что альпинисты попали в пургу)
The climbers are believed to have been caught in a snowstorm. (Считается, что альпинисты попали в пургу)
32 John asked Emma to leave immediately because she was distracting him from his work. (Джон попросил Эмму немедленно уйти, потому что она отвлекает его от работы)
John had Emma leave at once because she was distracting him from his work. (Джон попросил Эмму уйти сейчас же, потому что она отвлекает его от работы)
33 William’s mum has applied ointment to his rash. (Мама Уильяма использовала мазь для его сыпи)
William had his mum apply ointment to his rash. (Мама Уильяма использовала мазь для его сыпи)


26 thought to be able to
27 will make James go
28 is expected George will make
29 had her wrist bandaged by
30 to get Sarah to give
31 are believed to have been
32 had Emma leave at
33 had his mum apply ointment
D Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the word in bold. Use two to five words.
26 Some people think that snakes can predict earthquakes.
Snakes are through to be able to predict earthquakes.
27 Mason will insist that James discuss the details of the rescue mission.
Mason will make James go into the details of the rescue mission.
28 George is expected to fully recover from his accident.
It is expected George will make a full recovery from his accident.
29 A nurse bandaged Helen’s wrist to give it support.
Helen had her wrist bandaged by a nurse, to give it support.
30 Sally is trying to convince Sarah that she should stop mountain climbing.
Sally is trying to get Sarah to give up mountain climbing.
31 They believe that the climbers were caught in a snowstorm.
The climbers are believed to have been caught in a snowstorm.
32 John asked Emma to leave immediately because she was distracting him from his work.
John had Emma leave at once because she was distracting him from his work.
33 William’s mum has applied ointment to his rash.
William had his mum apply ointment to his rash.

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