Упражнение d Тесты Модуль 7
ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс - ответы

D Перепишите следующие условные предложения, опуская if.
e.g. If you write to the college, they’ll send you a prospectus. (Если вы напишете в колледж, они отправят вам буклет)
Should you write to the college, they’ll send you a prospectus. (Если вы напишете в колледж, они отправят вам буклет)
30 If he had asked for my help, I would have given it to him. (Если бы он попросил моей помощи, я помог бы ему)
Had he asked for my help, I would have given it to him. (Если бы он попросил моей помощи, я помог бы ему)
31 If they offer him a place at Bristol University, he will gladly accept it. (Если они предложат ему место в Бристольском университете, он с радостью примет его)
Should they offer him a place at Bristol University, gladly accept it. (Если они предложат ему место в Бристольском университете, он с радостью примет его)
32 If she found the time, she would become a community volunteer. (Если бы она нашла время, то стала бы волонтером)
Were she to find the time, she would become a community volunteer. (Если бы она нашла время, то стала бы волонтером)
33 If she accepts the offer, she will gain valuable work experience. (Если она примет предложение, она получит ценный опыт работы)
Should she accept the offer, she will gain valuable work experience. (Если она примет предложение, она получит ценный опыт работы)


30 Had he asked for my help, I would have given it to him.
31 Should they offer him a place at Bristol University, he will gladly accept it.
32 Were she to find the time, she would become a community volunteer.
33 Should she accept the offer, she will gain valuable work experience.
D Rewrite the following conditional sentences omitting if.
e.g. If you write to the college, they’ll send you a prospectus.
Should you write to the college, they’ll send you a prospectus.
30 If he had asked for my help, I would have given it to him.
Had he asked for my help, I would have given it to him
31 If they offer him a place at Bristol University, he will gladly accept it.
Should they offer him a place at Bristol University, gladly accept it.
32 If she found the time, she would become a community volunteer.
Were she to find the time, ,she would become a community volunteer
33 If she accepts the offer, she will gain valuable work experience.
Should she accept the offer, she will gain valuable work experience

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