Упражнение 4 Модуль 1c
ГДЗ Spotlight 11 класс рабочая тетрадь - ответы
4 Завершите каждое предложение словами (от одного до четырех), в том числе словами, выделенными жирным шрифтом.
1 Мэр откроет новый центр здоровья в четверг.
Мэр открывает новый центр здоровья в четверг.
2 Автобусный тур прибудет в 10:00.
Автобусный тур собирается приехать в 10:00.
3 Его родители будут разочарованы, когда они слышат, что он уехал.
Его родителям придется разочароваться, когда они слышат, что он уехал.
4 Мы должны сесть! Поезд отъедет от станции.
Мы должны сесть! Поезд отъезжает от станции.
5 Джули, безусловно, пойдет с нами.
Джули уверена, что поедет с нами.
6 Компания Генри работает до тех пор, пока, в скором времени, не закроется.
Компания Генри работает на грани закрытия.
1 is going to open
2 is due to arrive
3 are bound to be
4 is about to leave
5 is sure to come
6 is on the point
4 Complete each sentence with two to four words, including the word(s) in bold.
1 The mayor will open the new health centre on Thursday.
The mayor is to open the new health centre on Thursday.
2 The tour bus will arrive at 10:00 am.
The tour bus is due to arrive at 10:00 am.
3 His parents will be disappointed when they hear he's moving out.
His parents are bound to be disappointed when they hear he's moving out.
4 We should board! The train is going to leave the station.
We should board! The train is about to live the station.
5 Julie will certainly come with us.
Julie is sure to come with us.
6 The company Henry works for will soon close down.
The company Henry works for is on to point of closing down.
1 The mayor will open the new health centre on Thursday.
The mayor is to open the new health centre on Thursday.
2 The tour bus will arrive at 10:00 am.
The tour bus is due to arrive at 10:00 am.
3 His parents will be disappointed when they hear he's moving out.
His parents are bound to be disappointed when they hear he's moving out.
4 We should board! The train is going to leave the station.
We should board! The train is about to live the station.
5 Julie will certainly come with us.
Julie is sure to come with us.
6 The company Henry works for will soon close down.
The company Henry works for is on to point of closing down.
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Смотреть другие ГДЗ из этого учебника:
⭐11 класс; Английский язык; Афанасьева, Дули; Spotlight
⭐11 класс; Английский язык; Афанасьева, Дули; Spotlight