Упражнение 1 Grammar Check Модуль 3
ГДЗ Spotlight 9 класс - ответы
1 Прочитайте историю и заполните пропуски прошедшим простым или прошедшим продолжительным временами.
Одним холодным ненастным днем, отец Гарри 1) рассказывал ему историю о приведении, под названием «Ужасная Салли». «Однажды, давным-давно,» он 2) сказал, «мужчина 3) гулял по лесу, когда 4) заметил, что странные огни 5) засветились на севере, юге, востоке и западе. Внезапно, он также 6) увидел странную женщину. Большие черные вороны 7) летали над ее головой. Затем, вороны 8) погнали испуганного мужчину из леса! В наши дни, люди до сих пор иногда видят странные огни, ведьму и ворон.» Гарри 9) не поверил истории своего отца!
В эту ночь, Гарри 10) услышал странный постукивающий звук у окна кровати. Гарри 11) выглянул из окна и 12) громко закричал! Он 13) увидел странные огни и больших, черных ворон 14) круживших вокруг деревьев…
1 was telling
2 said
3 was walking
4 noticed
5 were shining
6 saw
7 were flying
8 chased
9 didn't believe
10 heard
11 looked
12 screamed
13 could
14 circled
I think Henry saw Scary Sally and ran to tell his Dad.
1 Read the story and fill in the gaps with the past simple or the past continuous.
One cold, stormy afternoon, Harry’s dad 1) was telling him a ghost story called ‘Scary Sally’. “One day long ago,” he 2) said, “a man 3) was walking through the woods, when he 4) noticed that strange lights 5) were shining in the north, south, east and west. Suddenly, he also 6) saw a strange woman. Big, black crows 7) were flying above her head. Then, the crows 8) chased the terrified man out of the woods! Nowadays, people still sometimes see the strange lights, the witch and the crows.” Harry 9) did not believe his dad's story!
That night, Harry 10) heard a strange tapping sound at his bedroom window. Harry 11) looked out of the window and 12) screamed loudly! He 13) could see some strange lights and big, black crows 14) were circling in the trees ...
One cold, stormy afternoon, Harry’s dad 1) was telling him a ghost story called ‘Scary Sally’. “One day long ago,” he 2) said, “a man 3) was walking through the woods, when he 4) noticed that strange lights 5) were shining in the north, south, east and west. Suddenly, he also 6) saw a strange woman. Big, black crows 7) were flying above her head. Then, the crows 8) chased the terrified man out of the woods! Nowadays, people still sometimes see the strange lights, the witch and the crows.” Harry 9) did not believe his dad's story!
That night, Harry 10) heard a strange tapping sound at his bedroom window. Harry 11) looked out of the window and 12) screamed loudly! He 13) could see some strange lights and big, black crows 14) were circling in the trees ...
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Смотреть другие ГДЗ из этого учебника:
⭐9 класс; Английский язык; Дули, Ваулина, Подоляко; Spotlight
⭐9 класс; Английский язык; Дули, Ваулина, Подоляко; Spotlight